Falls Prevention Workshop – Oct. 5th: Preventing Falls, Preserving Independence: Free Workshop for Older Adults in Ross Community In a dedicated effort to keep our older residents safe and independent, Kendal at Home, the Ross Township Fire Department, and the Ross Community Foundation are joining forces to offer a comprehensive Falls Prevention Workshop. This free event is scheduled to take place on Saturday, October 5th, at 11:00 AM at the Ross Fire Station,1308 Ross Millville Rd., (US 27), as part of the Ross Township Fire Department's Open House on October 6th. CDC reports that falls are the leading cause of injury and death among adults over 65, with one fall doubling the risk of falling again. Our goal in presenting this free event is to keep our older neighbors safe and remaining independent in their homes! This vital community event is made possible by the generous support of the Ross Community Foundation, which is also sponsoring refreshments for the workshop. All members of the community, particularly older adults, are encouraged to attend. Our older neighbors are a precious part of the Ross community, and this event aims to equip them with the tools and knowledge needed to stay safe and independent in their homes. Space is limited, so please recommend those interested to secure their spot by contacting Wendy Fetters at (513) 300-5663 or registering at https://www.kendalathome.org/10/05/2024-fall-prevention-workshop

Congratulations to Cpt. Jared Morris, OFE

Captain Jared Morris graduated on April 16, 2021 from the Ohio Fire Executive (OFE) Program, an intensive, two-and-a-half year executive education program geared towards administrative fire officers. Graduation was at the OFCA training facility in Columbus.

The OFE program is administered by the Ohio Fire & Emergency Services Foundation and the Ohio Fire Chief’s Association, the statewide trade association for fire officers in Ohio.

Captain Morris began the program in the fall of 2019, as part of the 19th class of OFE. Joining him were 22 other officers from fire departments across Ohio.

Graduation from the OFE program signifies one of the highest levels of achievement in the profession. The OFE is designed to provide fire and emergency service officers with the educational experience focused on the development of executive skills used by effective leaders. As a member of the 19th class of OFE, Captain Morris is among an elite group of officers in Ohio to successfully complete the program.

During the five weeks of in-residence classes, and during the interim between those weeks, the program requires in-depth participation in a significant number of learning modules. In part, participants are required to read books and case studies, write several papers, present in-class speeches, develop an organizational strategic plan and complete a research project. The program is taught by accomplished instructors from both within and outside of the fire service including from academia and consultants.

Captain Morris joins Assistant Chief Chris Johns (Class 16) and Chief Steve Miller (Class 9) as OFE graduates

Captain Morris has also completed the Fire Officer I and II certification through the State of Ohio. He currently has certifications for Fire Instructor, Fire Inspector, Emergency Paramedic, and as a Level II Firefighter.