BCI Investigation Closed: The Ross Township Board of Trustees is pleased to announce that BCI has completed their investigation. The Board felt it was necessary to initiate this inquiry with a fair and impartial party. For the purpose of openness and transparency, we wanted the residents of Ross Township to be confident that their precious tax dollars are being spent and overseen, wisely. The findings of BCI and the Butler County Prosecutors office are that there is no evidence of any wrong doing and the case is closed.   In the words of  Butler County Prosecutor, Mike Gmoser,  quote   “This is a tempest in a teapot. The investigation is over. Case closed.”   Any recommendations from the BCI investigation will be given the strongest possible consideration so that moving forward, we, along with the Fiscal Officer, the Township Administrator and the department heads can keep Ross Township a great place to live and work.

Police Chief Resignation

On June 10, 2024, the Ross Township Board of Trustees received the resignation of Police Chief Burton Roberts.  His decision comes after much reflection and personal consideration.  His letter states that it has been his honor to have served Ross Township since September 2019.  His intentions are to relocate to Arizona after a stellar career of 32 years in law enforcement.  It is with regret for our township and best wishes for Chief Roberts that the Board of Trustees has accepted his letter of resignation to be effective July 5, 2024.  As with the recent appointment of our Fire Chief, the Ross Township Board of Trustees will begin an exhaustive search for our next Police Chief.  We will ensure that he or she will fulfill all of the needs that our fine township deserves.  We are proud of our department and each of the officers that have chosen to establish their careers here and we will work tirelessly to hire a Police Chief that meets all of the qualifications necessary to continue to lead the Police Department in the direction that Chief Roberts has for the past almost 5 years.  We are thankful for the fine staff of officers that Chief Roberts has assembled during his tenure as the department prepares for the next chapter to provide for the safety of all Ross residents.