Snow & Ice Removal Tips
During any snow or ice storm, the Road Department requests that all vehicles refrain from parking on the roadway. In this way we can most effectively perform our task for you.
This is especially the case during a Township defined snow emergency which is generally when 2+ inches of snow have accumulated on the pavement. When a snow emergency exists please remove your vehicle from the street. This aids us in our snowplowing efforts in several ways. It helps us do a better job and prevents your vehicle from being “plowed in” by the snow that rolls off the edge of the plow as it goes down your street.
Generally, snowfalls of less than two inches are removed by melting with de-icing salt. It takes approximately three hours to successfully treat all Township maintained streets one time with de-icing salt. Snowfalls of more than two inches have to be plowed and salted to remove the snow. This process can take up to five hours on depending on the conditions and usually a minimum of two separate passes are needed. Please be patient with this process we will get to all Township streets.
Helpful Tips to Aid in Snow Removal Operations
Please do not throw snow from your driveway into the street. This is very hazardous, as well as illegal. Please put the snow back into your yard or in the grass portion of the right-of-way.
Please have all trees properly trimmed and portable basketball hoops moved back from the street edge to ensure that our trucks are not damaged. We need to get as close to the edge of the road as possible to clear the roadway adequately.
When we are plowing, while we do everything in our power not to block driveways or mailboxes, sometimes it is impossible, especially with large amounts of snow. If this happens to you, simply call the department (863-2337 ext.3) and we will do everything we can to fix the problem.
While the road crew is trying to clear the roads and may not have time to answer the phone. If the Road Department phone is not answered, leave a message for the Superintendent. It will be returned at his earliest possible opportunity.
A tip for residents would be to wait until after the plow has cleared your street to shovel your driveway, this way you are only shoveling your driveway apron once.
Parking in circles, which are posted “No Parking in Circle” is illegal. When we are plowing, cars parked in circles (whether posted or not) hinder the process for the driver.
Stay off the roads, unless absolutely necessary.
Do not follow closely behind a salt truck, it is very difficult for the driver to see someone following to closely behind. Allow a minimum of 100 feet behind the truck.
Advise your children that it is very difficult for a driver to see them playing in or near the roadways while plowing and that our drivers may change direction at any time.
Some of the streets in the newer subdivisions have not yet been dedicated as a Ross Township maintained roadway and therefore, we cannot plow them. Please contact your developer if your street needs to be plowed. A list of undedicated streets is available at the Road Department (863-2337 ext.3) and on this website under Road Maintenance.
County-Wide Emergency Levels
LEVEL ONE emergency means road conditions are a cause for concern and that motorists should use caution.
LEVEL TWO emergency means that hazardous conditions exist and motorists should be driving only when it is necessary. Unlike a level three emergency, however, no citations are issued to motorists for simply using the roads.
LEVEL THREE emergency means all roads are closed to non-emergency personnel. Non-emergency drivers may be subject to a citation. Vehicles abandoned on county or township roadways will be removed from the path of snowplows at the owner’s expense.
For more information visit the OCSWA Snow Emergency Classifications web page.