Ross Township Police Department Earns Gold Recognition in 2023: For the 4th consecutive year, the Ross Township Police Department has been recognized by the Lexipol Connect Customer Recognition Program for achieving Gold level for excellence in policy maintenance and training. Lexipol is the nation’s leading content, policy and training platform for public safety agencies.  The Connect program tracks performance on five metrics proven to measure success in policy management. 


Township Streets Snow & Ice Removal Information

​​During any snow or ice storm, the Road Department requests that all vehicles refrain from parking on the roadway. In this way we can most effectively perform our task for you.

​This is especially the case during a Township defined snow emergency which is generally when 2+ inches of snow have accumulated on the pavement. When a snow emergency exists please remove your vehicle from the street. This aids us in our snowplowing efforts in several ways. It helps us do a better job and prevents your vehicle from being “plowed in” by the snow that rolls off the edge of the plow as it goes down your street.

​Generally, snowfalls of less than two inches are removed by melting with de-icing salt. It takes approximately three hours to successfully treat all Township maintained streets one time with de-icing salt. Snowfalls of more than two inches have to be plowed and salted to remove the snow. This process can take up to five hours on depending on the conditions and usually a minimum of two separate passes are needed. Please be patient with this process as we get to all Township streets.