Board of Trustees Meeting – March 6th: The next regular meeting of the Ross Township Board of Trustees will be conducted on Thursday, March 6, 2025.  The meeting will begin at 6:00 p.m. at the Ross Township Government Center, 4055 Hamilton Cleves Road, Fairfield, Ohio.  Please contact the Administration Office at (513) 863-2337 ext. 111 if you have any questions.

Watch for Community Electric Aggregation Opt Out Letters

Those residents eligible for Ross Township’s community electric aggregation program will be receiving opt out letters in the mail during the next few days. As a reminder, residents voted in favor of government aggregation, a program authorizing local officials to purchase electricity from a retail electric generation supplier certified by the Public Utilities Commission of Ohio. Only those currently on Duke Energy’s default generation supply are eligible. If you are already with a third party supplier you will not receive a letter.  

If you are currently on Duke Energy’s default supply you will see these 4 riders on your Duke Energy bill:
Retail Energy Rider (RE)
Retail Capacity Rider (RC)
Alternative Cost Reconciliation Rider (AERR)
Supplier Cost Reconciliation Rider (SCR)

The opt out deadline is April 15, 2024.

Community members with questions regarding the electric aggregation program should contact Energy Harbor directly at 1-866-636-3749, Monday – Friday, 8 m to 5 pm.