Board of Trustees Meeting – March 6th: The next regular meeting of the Ross Township Board of Trustees will be conducted on Thursday, March 6, 2025.  The meeting will begin at 6:00 p.m. at the Ross Township Government Center, 4055 Hamilton Cleves Road, Fairfield, Ohio.  Please contact the Administration Office at (513) 863-2337 ext. 111 if you have any questions.

Committee Members Needed

Ross Township is seeking residents and/or business owners to participate on a Public Safety Committee and a Fiscal Oversight Committee.  These committees are created by the Board of Township Trustees in an effort to encourage citizen participation, provide opportunities to learn others’ perspectives and priorities, and provide a resource for factual information about the state of the township.  

Initially, we intend for each committee to have 3 members in addition to elected officials or staff from the township that will be supporting the group.  The Township will generally provide background information and topics for discussion, but the committee is expected to grow into that role over time.  

Committees will meet monthly in the evening and as-needed.  Committees may also meet at the same time if there is a topic that is relevant to both groups (for example, a discussion on public safety funding).  

If you are interested in participating on a committee, please send a letter of interest indicating which committee by June 1, 2023, to Laurie Kile, Township Administrator, at [email protected] or Ross Township Administration, 4055 Hamilton Cleves Road, Fairfield, OH 45014.