Welcome from Road Superintendent Paul Bulach
Hello and welcome to the Ross Township Road Department website!
Your Road Department is made up of three full time employees. Our main goal is to provide the residents of Ross with safe and well maintained roadways. We also manage culverts, ditches, road signage, guardrail, roadside mowing, interchange maintenance (US27 & SR128 interchange), Venice Gardens Park, three cemeteries, snow and ice control and facilities maintenance. Please be cautious when you see our work crews out on the roadways. Feel free to contact me with any concerns about our roads or anything that you feel we could help with. Phone (513) 863-2337 ext.180, cell (513) 200-4323 or email: [email protected].
Your Road Superintendent,
Paul Bulach
Ross Township Road Maintenance Building
3133 Hamilton Cleves Road
Hamilton, Ohio 45013
About Ross Roads
The Ross Township Road Department is responsible for maintaining over 46 miles of Township roadways and residential streets in Ross Township. In addition to the Township maintained roadways, Ross Township has one U.S. Highway (US27), four State Routes (SR126, SR128, SR129 and SR748) and six Butler County Routes (30, 31, 40, 42, 172 and 178). The Ross Township Road Department works together with the Ohio Department of Transportation and the Butler County Engineer’s offices to provide quality maintenance and to insure the safety of all roadways throughout the township.
The duties of the department include general, rehabilitative and reconstructive road maintenance; the repair and replacement of culverts, ditches, road signage and guardrail; performing roadside mowing and interchange maintenance (US27 & SR128); upkeep of Venice Gardens Park and three cemeteries; and providing snow and ice control and maintenance of all township owned facilities.
The department staffs three full time employees and is equipped with a medium and heavy duty truck fleet, front loader/backhoes, multifunctional skid steer loader, asphalt blacktopping and sealing machinery and two tractors for roadside mowing.
In addition, there are auxiliary drivers during the winter months to assist with snow removal when necessary. We utilize two heavy duty dump trucks with salt spreaders and plows. Each dump truck is set up with liquid deicing dispensing units for extreme cold weather salting operations. Also incorporated into the winter salting operation is a one ton dump truck with a tailgate salt spreader and plow and a pickup truck with a V-box spreader and plow.
Mission Statement
It is the commitment of every Ross Township Road Department employee, to preform to the best of their ability, to provide the safest vehicular and pedestrian travel possible for citizens utilizing Ross Township’s designated right-of-way. The Ross Township Road Department employees act respectfully and respond to the needs, concerns and complaints of the public when it is within the scope of the Road Department’s duties.
In 2003, President George W. Bush issued Homeland Security Presidential Directive 5, Management of Domestic Incidents, in which a public works response to emergencies and disasters is recognized as an absolute necessity, and the federal government is directed to include public works in all planning and response effort. On July 7, 2022, the Ross Township Board of Trustees passed a resolution supporting recognition of employees of the Ross Township Road Department as First Responders and encourages businesses, organizations, community groups and citizens to extend the benefits provided to the First Responders of our community.