Township Trustees
The Ohio Constitution (Article X, paragraph 2) has given the state legislature the authority to create such township officials as may be necessary, specifically mentioning Trustees. Section 505.01 of the Ohio Revised Code states there shall be three Trustees, each elected for a four-year term. The Trustees have the legislative authority in the township.
Township Trustee

Keith Ballauer
3954 Silax Drive
Hamilton, Ohio 45013
Work: (513) 863-2337 Ext 114
Cell: (513) 646-9242
Ross High School
D. Russell Lee Vocational School
United States Marine Corps
Son-the late Todd Mischell; Evan, Brady and Natalie (children)
Ross Township Trustee since 2018
Butler County Township Association – member
Ross Township Fire Department - 9 years
Ross Township Police Department - 17 years
Ross Township Snow Plow Driver - 3 years
Oxford Township Police Department - 6 years
Ford Motor Company - 24 years
Township Trustee

Russ McGurrin
3958 Ficus Ct.
Hamilton, OH 45013
Work: (513) 863-2337 Ext 110
Cell: (513) 413-8840
Norwood High School 1980
University of Cincinnati, 1984, Applied Business-Computer Programming
Wife–Cindy (Retired Teacher)
Daughter-Brittany Lewallen (Jack)
Son-Blake McGurrin (Rachel)
Grandchildren: 2
Ross Township Resident since 1986
Time Warner Communications 1983-1985
A B Bonded Lock, Safe and Security 1985-Present, Owner
Ohio Township Association-Member
Township Trustee

David Young
3230 Hamilton Scipio Rd.
Hamilton, OH 45013
Work: (513) 863-2337 Ext 113
Cell: (513) 262-0713
Oak Hills High School 1967
Children - Nicole (Eric Garza), Natalie (Mark Baum), Renee (Brian Durham), Todd (Shelby Young), Tyler and Trevor Young
Grandchildren - 9
Ross Township Resident since 1978
Ross Township Trustee 1987-2002
Ross Township EMS 1987-1998
Ross Township Chief of EMS Department - 5 years
Lowes - 8 years
Young & Bertke - 42 years (Vice President 30 years)
Township Fiscal Officer

Julie Joyce-Smith
Work: (513) 863-2337 Ext 112
Fax: (513) 863-6378
Stephen T. Badin High School
Bowling Green State University
Husband – Brian
Sons – Ian and Zane
Fiscal Officer of Ross Township since 2020
Assistant to Fiscal Officer of Ross Township – June 2018 – March 2020
Butler County Township Association – Secretary
The Township Fiscal Officer is an elected official and is independent of the Township Trustees, yet by law the Township Fiscal Officer must work closely with the Trustees. While the Trustees have the legislative authority in the township (ORC 505.01), the Township Fiscal Officer must keep an accurate record of all township accounts and transactions (ORC 507.04). It is the responsibility of the Township Fiscal Officer to comply strictly with the legal requirements set for the Township Fiscal Officer's duties, to establish and practice rules for efficient management of the Township Fiscal Officer's office, and to follow good accounting practices in maintaining records and accounts.
The Township Fiscal Officer has designated duties that are specified in the Ohio Revised Code, such as recording accurately the proceedings of the Board of Township Trustees, i.e., keeping the Minutes (ORC 507.04), plus numerous other ministerial duties which will be described in more detail in the following paragraphs. Nowhere in the Ohio Revised Code is there any indication that the Township Fiscal Officer is the corresponding secretary of the Trustees, nor is the Township Fiscal Officer required to keep the files of the Trustees, nor answer the telephone for the Trustees, or be a personal assistant for Trustees.
In practice, the Township Fiscal Officer and the Trustees must work together, particularly in fiscal matters. Their collective goal is to ensure all decisions and actions comply with the laws and regulations governing township governance.
Statuatory Duties:
The statutory duties of the office are:
- notify in writing the Board of Elections of the county in which the township is located of all vacancies caused by death, resignations, or otherwise, in the elective offices of the township. Such notification shall be filed not later than ten days after the vacancies occur (ORC 507 051),
- notify in writing the Board of Elections of the county in which the township is located of all changes in boundaries of that township. Such notification shall contain a plat clearly showing all boundary changes and shall be filed not later than ten days after the change of boundaries becomes effective (ORC 507.051),
- keep an accurate record of the proceedings of the Board of Township Trustees at all its meetings (ORC 507.04) and be familiar with the Open Meetings Act (Sunshine Laws) of the State. For details, see "Minutes of the Meetings of the Township Trustees," page 30,keep an accurate record of all the accounts and transactions of the Township Trustees (ORC 507.04) and be familiar with the public records laws of the State,immediately after the election or appointment of township officers, make a list of such persons, and then prepare a notice (called a "requisition") which tells each of these individuals to appear at a designated time and place before the Township Fiscal Officer, or some other authorized officer, so that the newly elected or appointed officers can take the oath of office and give bond,the Township Fiscal Officer shall then, either personally or through the services of the township constable, cause a copy of the list to be delivered to each of the appointed or elected officers. The list and the requisition, with the time and manner of delivery to each person noted on it, shall be returned and filed in the office of the Township Fiscal Officer (ORC 50325),neither Sections 3.22 and 3.23 of the Ohio Revised Code, nor Section 7 of Article XV of the Ohio Constitution, prescribes specific language for the oath of office. All that is required is that the newly elected or appointed individual swear or affirm that he or she will support the Constitution of the United States and of the State of Ohio, and that he or she will, in all respects, uphold and enforce the laws of the State of Ohio, and that he or she will faithfully discharge the duties of (the office) upon which he or she is about to enter,keep an accurate record of the acceptance of the bonds of the township officers (ORC507 04),
- collect the service charge for waste disposal services and administer them under rules and regulations established by the Board of Township Trustees. All such monies shall be kept in a separate fund designated as "the waste collection fund," and shall be appropriated and administered by the board. (For further information on legitimate uses of this fund, see ORC 505.31.),
- oversee the township fiscal records and keep from wrongfully removing, damaging, or disposing of them. In addition, the Fiscal records must be maintained in such a manner that they can be made available for inspection to any member of the general public at all reasonable times during regular business hours (OAG 86-057),
- as soon as approved by the Board of Township Trustees, and before being filed, the official bonds of constables shall be recorded by the Township Fiscal Officer in the book kept for that purpose. A copy of each recorded bond, certified by the Township seal Officer, shall be admitted in any court of the state as evidence, as if it were the original bond (ORC 507.08),
- issue checks, and prepare payrolls and all associated functions (e.g., tax reporting and deposits).
Township Administrator

Laurie W. Kile
Work: (513) 863-2337 Ext 111
Fax: (513) 863-6378
Ross High School
Samford University
Husband – Mark
Assistant Administrator, Ross Township - April 2020-March 2021
Administrative Assistant, Ross Township – December 2018 – March 2020
The Township Trustees may appoint a township administrator to act as administrative head of the township under the direction and supervision of the Trustees (ORC 505.031). The administrator shall hold office at the pleasure of the board. In practice, the Township Trustees often give administrators contracts of varying lengths of time.
The township administrator has many duties, all under the direction of the Township Trustees. ORC Section 505.032 details those duties and responsibilities. In summary, the duties include such tasks as assisting in the administration of the township, implementation of policies and resolutions of the Trustees, informing the Trustees on the financial condition of the township, preparing the budgets, and researching issues as directed by the Trustees.