The Ross Township Police Department is a full service 24/7 community oriented department whose officers are committed to serving an area of approximately 36 square miles. They are responsible for responding to all calls for service within the Township. The patrol section is comprised of marked patrol units assigned for use on a daily basis. Each marked patrol vehicle is equipped with a Mobile Data Terminal computer system, and uses the OHLEG system for report writing.
The Patrol Division is responsible for responding to all 911 calls, motor vehicle crashes, first aid calls, natural disasters, fires, reports of crimes and disorderly person’s offenses, as well as incorporating a spirit of cooperation with both the business community and citizens alike. Officers receive annual training in the use of firearms, Taser, O.C. pepper spray, domestic violence, vehicle pursuits, and response to resistance.
Patrol Officers are responsible for the initial investigation of all crimes that occur within Ross Township. Investigations that are intensive or require additional resources are turned over to the Investigations Section, and will be followed up by a Detective.
The Ross Township Police Department Patrol Section aggressively enforces traffic violations, alcohol and drug violations within the community, and also participates in the Butler County O.M.V.I. Task Force.